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Safety Consultations And Trainings Available To Members

Illustration of three workers servicing a large industrial generator or machine.

January 4, 2023 | CSD Team

New Safety and Loss Prevention Consultants Join CSD Pool

Safety consultations are one of the easiest ways your district can learn about and implement best practices, host workplace trainings, and develop your internal safety culture.

Our dedicated safety and loss prevention consultants are available to help your district prepare for the unexpected and work with staff to evaluate potential losses by providing recommendations to protect your assets and keep your staff safe from injury.

The best part of our safety consultations is that they are complimentary for all members.

Starting a Consultation and Consultation Types

If your district decides to pursue a consultation, simply reach out to to connect directly with one of our safety consultants and chat about your situation. Consultations are available on-site and virtually.

Our consultations generally fall into five different categories:

  • General Site Visits
  • Training
  • Inspections
  • Ergonomic Assessments
  • Safety Committee Support

For general site visits, when our safety consultants come to your district, they perform a facility walk-through and discuss any concerns that may need addressed. A full facility audit, which follows federal regulations, can be requested if there are higher level concerns.

When inspecting a facility, our safety consultants will ask about previous injury or incident trends. Where did incidents occur? Under what circumstances? By looking at previous incident records, our team can inform you of new safety practices that may beneficial to risk control.

For members, it’s important to pay attention to the most common incident types (in parentheses) and the trainings that we offer that address each:

  • Fall protection training (for trips, slips, falls)
  • Ergonomic assessments (for lifting and muscle stress)
  • SKIDTRUCK training (for motor vehicle accidents)

Trainings are available on a 1:1 basis or can include an entire staff. The most commonly requested trainings are CDOT flagger training and ergonomic assessments. Beyond that, we offer confined spaces training, drug and alcohol recognition, excavation safety, hazard recognition, lock out/tag out demos, trenching and shoring, fall protection trainings, and more. Most of these are designed to be performed on-site, but we can also host virtual sessions for trainings such as ergonomic assessments.

Additional Benefits

Our safety consultants constantly stay on top of best practices and regulations. Their expertise and dedication to safety becomes an asset to you any time you reach out. They are available to rewrite or update district safety programs, safety handbooks, emergency response plans, standard operations procedures, and more upon request.

Our consultants are an amazing resource to use in solidifying the safety culture of your district. Reach out to for more information, or visit

A group attending a presentation in a workshop setting with a speaker, tables, chairs, and a projection screen.

Meet our New Safety Consultants

Some districts may have already had the pleasure of meeting Kyle Brown and Josh Barkley, our newest Safety and Loss Prevention Specialists, both of whom are based in Colorado.

Kyle Brown

Kyle has spent the last four years at Austin Powder Company as a Corporate Safety and Compliance Coordinator. He also spent one year with Gage Brothers Concrete Products as a Safety Coordinator where he created and implemented programs to reduce injuries and hazards in the workplace, conducted facility inspections, and lead company safety trainings.

A graduate of Ohio University, Kyle acquired two Bachelor of Science degrees, the first in Occupational Health and Safety and the second in Environmental Health. He brings a wealth of experience in regulatory compliance and program development to the Pool, and we are excited to have him on our team!

Josh Barkley

Even as a newer addition to the CSD Pool, Josh is already digging in to how his diverse background can transfer to helping members.

Josh comes to us with a M.S in Occupational Safety and Health. He credits his education with giving him the foundation to becoming a jack-of-all-trades in safety, risk management, and loss prevention. Right from school, he went on to work in an impressive variation of fields including manufacturing, construction, oil and gas, and other environments. Along with the strength of his background, Josh’s biggest strength is his people skills.

There is nothing Josh loves more than meeting new people and helping them achieve their organizational and safety goals.

For those that haven’t met Kyle or Josh, both are available for virtual and in-person trainings and consultations. They look forward to getting to know our membership and learn more about the importance of special districts.

Want to read more about our safety consultations?

Member Service Spotlight: Consultations and Training

Preparing for Active Shooters


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