2020 CSD Pool Financial Results

August 11, 2021 | CSD Team
In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic affected business and operations in an unpredictable way. Although certain entity types were affected more than others, the CSD Pool provided $600,000 in member refunds and $600,000 in safety grants to adjust for limited operations and increased expenses related to COVID-19. In the table below, you can see how the CSD Pool has done year-over-year.
Even with the challenges faced during the previous year, the CSD Pool and our members have become stronger than ever. As our membership grew by over 100 districts in 2020, we also saw growth in contribution to our payroll, total insured values, assets, and revenue. During a year where the worst could be expected, the CSD Pool and our members were essential in their operations, working together to trend certain claim frequencies continually downward.

The financial growth and stability is evident, and the numbers show that we are stronger together.
You’ll discover more information in our 2020 annual report, now available to view at csdpool.org/financials.
NOTE: All values in infographic in thousands.