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Safety Heroes

An illustration of two people standing on a green background with a geometric pattern overlaying them.

Some individuals go above and beyond when it comes to the safety of others. The CSD Pool is honored to recognize the people who bring a special kind of dedication to the job with our Quarterly Safety Hero Award.

Winners are featured on our website, in our quarterly newsletter, the Risk Management Review, and receive a $100 Amazon Gift card!

Take a moment to recognize your Safety Hero today!

Nomination Form

The Fine Print

  • Can I win the Safety Hero Award more than once? Of course! There is no limit to how many times you can win this award.
  • How often is a winner chosen? We choose four (4) winners a year, one for each quarter.
  • What’s the award? A $100 Amazon Gift Card.
  • What’s it mean to be featured in the quarterly newsletter? We’d love to get a photo of you, and a few quotes for an article.

Safety Hero Award winners are featured on our website. Here’s a look at past Safety Heroes.