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Expense Form

Expense Reimbursement for Scholarship Recipients

Guidelines and Limits

Please list expenses below that correspond to each category for tracking purposes. Attach receipts (for parking, airfare, car rental, hotel rooms, meals, etc.) electronically to this form.

  • Mileage is calculated at the current IRS Rate
  • Anything over $25.00 requires a receipt
  • $25.00 limit for each breakfast or lunch
  • $50.00 limit for each dinner
  • Gasoline purchases are excluded since they are considered part of mileage
  • $900.00 total scholarship reimbursement limit for SDA Conference

The Pool will only reimburse costs directly to the district so all expenses must also meet the district's reimbursement policy.

District Expense Reimbursement Form

This form can only be submitted after confirmation of scholarship approval has been received. Payment will be made to the district only. The conference attendee should be reimbursed directly by the district.

Applicant Information

Expenses to be Reimbursed to District From Pool

Receipts (Attach all receipts here)
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