Taking Near Miss Incidents Seriously
Learn about best practices for near miss incidents to avoid similar (and potentially more dangerous) ones in the future!
Near Miss Incidents
When a near miss happens at your district, it's not just lucky; it's a chance to make your workplace safer. However, this can only happen if you know what steps to take afer an incident has occured.
This webinar will teach you about:
- What is near miss reporting
- What are the benefits of near miss reporting
- How to report a near miss incident
- Best practices and reporting tools
About the Presenter:
Kyle Brown spent four years at Austin Powder Company as a Corporate Safety and Compliance Coordinator. He also spent one year with Gage Brothers Concrete Products as a Safety Coordinator where he created and implemented programs to reduce injuries and hazards in the workplace, conducted facility inspections, and lead company safety trainings. He brings a wealth of experience in regulatory compliance and program development to the CSD Pool as part of our Safety and Loss Prevention team.
- Date: January 13
- Time: 10:00 am - 11:00 am
- Website: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/taking-near-miss-incidents-seriously-tickets-1146083369209?aff=oddtdtcreator
- Online Event